Mussab M. Hamid

Cyber Security Services Manager at Saudi Business Machines


Session Title | The traditional security operation isn't anymore enough

The traditional model of cybersecurity operation faced many challenges that made it obsolete and isn't anymore enough. The session will discuss the top challenges and introduce a new model of cybersecurity operation

  • Cybersecurity consultant with more than 10 years’ experience delivering IT and Information security services. He has participated in many mega projects starting from developing use cases, building solutions, ending with delivering systems with successful test cases.
  • He is CCIE Security and CISSP Certified with a master's degree in telecommunications engineering. As an output of his master research, a novel hybrid approach to classifying P2P traffic is proposed with published results.
  • Currently, Mr. Hamid is the Cyber Security Services Manager at Saudi Business Machines where he leads the team responsible for delivering a wide range of security services to governments and private sectors in Saudi Arabia.
  • Prior to joining SBM, he worked as a senior security engineer at different firms. he also led the IEEE Sudan Initiative and was appointed as the first chairman for IEEE Sudan Subsection.