Hitoshi Kokumai

Managing Director and Chief Architect at Mnemonic Identity Solutions Limited, Japan

Digital Identity

Session Title | Episodic Image Memory for Solid Digital Identity

Secret credentials are indispensable for identity assurance, whereas text-only passwords are hard to manage. Um... Why not consider Non-Text secret credentials?

As an advocate of ‘Identity Assurance by Our Own Volition and Memory’, I am promoting the concept of Expanded Password System (EPS) that accepts unforgettable images and is deployable on existing text-only password systems, which is intended to be a legitimate successor to the time-honored seals, autographs and text password systems.

The observation that images are easy to remember has been known for many decades; it is not our theme. What we discuss is that ‘images of our emotion-colored episodic memory inscribed deep in our brain’ is ‘Hard to Forget’ to the extent that it is ‘Panic-Proof.

Inventor of Expanded Password System. Founder and Chief Architect of Mnemonic Identity Solutions Limited set up in UK in August 2020 for globally promoting the concept of Expanded Password System.

Prior to inventing the core concept of Expanded Password System, he used to work for a UK company as a contract business development coordinator. Over the 23 years of service, he contributed to UK’s export of some 100 million Pounds through 65 trips between UK and Japan. He was also involved in the operation in Japan of Industrial Research Limited of New Zealand for 1994 –1999 as business coordinator for science R&D collaborations. He was graduated from the Economics Faculty of Kyoto University.